Too much busy.

by Daniellaaaa on Saturday, June 12, 2010

I have been too much busy in school that 's why, I cannot update my blog every single week or what, so pardon me. School's been great, I am a Junior. More homeworks, more projects, more reportings, more responsibility. I got a good class. Well, we dislike our schedule. Why? Because, we got late lunch and recess. We only got 40 minutes lunch. Why do we got late breaks? Because, boys take the breaktime first, so it means boys and girls are separated during breaktimes and etc. We dislike it, like we hope that the girls have early lunch too. You know our appetite haha, easy to be hungry. So yeah. Well on the brighter side, we still got breaktimes. Haha!

So.. we got long weekends today right? Yay, for 3 days. So yesterday we went to Rob Manila to watch Shrek 3D. Dude, it's really cool! I mean the story plus the 3D effects, effinly' awesome. While the movie isn't started yet, the other movie teasers are in 3D too. I was whoa. Cool, haha. 3D Lol. Plus we got free popcorn and a drink for every 3D ticket, so yay. You should watch Shrek 3D, it's nice for everybodehhh... and then after that we ate.. at, I forgot. Lol. Then we went home. I got a new guitar pick btw, and will receive another one for Rondalla class in school. Wooot.

So, yeah. I cannot say anything. What`s up with that.. uh, uh.
WORLD CUP!!!! So I am Team England, what about you? They got a play a while ago together with USA. They got draw with: 1:1. I didn't watch it, because t'was on the late time. So, I'll just watch it somewhere in youtube.

And for a sad news, my grandmother (father side) died last Saturday (yesterday) at early dawn. Please do pray for her. It's really appreciated please, and thank you.